Sunday, December 30, 2012

What Does The Bible Say Pays For Sin?

What does the Bible says will pay for my sins? Is it something I can give, something I must do, or something I must feel? How do I know when I have given enough to pay for my sin?

Many people do many things in the hope to pay for their sins.

     * Some say prayers.
     * Some observe days of fasting.
     * Some attend community worship.
     * Some follow many rules.
     * Some give money.
     * Some hurt themselves.

But none have assurance that their sins are taken away or that they are right with God.


"He saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us by the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit." Titus 3:5. NIV. 

The very first words of this Scripture verse is encouraging, "He saved us..." God is the "He," and he is the one that give us salvation not our own works. Notice that the phrase is repeated, like The Lord wants no doubt in our minds, but he offers the testimony of two statements.

The Bible speaks of salvation as a past tense. As far as God is concerned it is done, that is why Jesus on the cross at the end of paying for our sins said. "It is finished." John 19:30.

Our Father does not save us because of the good things we do but because of "His Mercy." It is a gift that we are saved. He does for us what we cannot do ourselves, he sends his son to die on the cross to pay for our sins. All of the sacrifices of a lifetime could not pay for a single sin but Jesus was perfect and had no sin of his own to pay for so he was qualified to die for our sins as a substitute, and since he is God he can pay for the sins of all mankind.

The reference to rebirth and renewal goes back to when Christ told the seeker in John, "No one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again." John 3:3. Being born again is not something we can do but is accomplished by God through the Holy Spirit.

Our part is not to earn salvation but to receive it. Paul the apostle told the jailer "Believe on the Lord Jesus and you will be saved..." Acts 16:31. If you are ready to turn from sin and give up the old life of sinning and struggling with guilt and efforts of penance then come to Jesus; tell him you believe on him alone as the way of salvation, tell him you trust him to be your Savor. You will be born again the old life will begin to leave you and a new birth will begin.

To learn more about the plan of Salvation click on the Gospel tab above.


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