Monday, August 19, 2013

What Does Salvation From Sin Cost? 1 Peter 1:18-19

What do I have to pay to get saved? Do I have to give to God or do some great work of charity to earn forgiveness and salvation?

"For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your ancestors, but with the precious blood of Christ a lamb without blemish or defect." 1 Peter 1:18-19.

Whatever we give in material possessions or deeds in this perishable world could not merit the eternal. Only a person who was from before eternity and will exist beyond it could fulfill the requirements of eternal justice.

Our lives are empty, but we try to use that which is empty to give it substance. We have a purse with no coins and a spiritual bank account in the negative. We cannot use what we do not have to obtain peace with God and his eternal favor.

Our empty state comes from the first man who sinned and fell from the favor of The Lord. Adam's sin became the inheritance of humanity. We all sin and are far from God.

In love, the Father in Heaven made a way of salvation. He set a price on sin- it is death. In ancient times the death was celebrated by a lamb; those who believed in God's promise of a coming Messiah would sacrifice the lamb and know they were celebrating the coming of one who would be the true Lamb of God.  The Father sent his Son to be that substitute lamb and go to death for us. Jesus lived a perfect and holy life to demonstrate that he was the one worthy to be our substitute. His resurrection proves he is victorious over the judgment of sin against us.

Our salvation cost us nothing, but it cost our Savor everything. We couldn't possibly pay the price required for our sins, but Christ's death did it for us, and all that is left for us is to receive the gift of eternal forgiveness he offers.

To learn more about trusting Jesus as Savior and having eternal forgiveness, click on The Gospel tab.