Sunday, August 4, 2013

What Did Jesus Say About Hell?

If Jesus was the greatest teacher of all would he teach about someplace like hell? Wasn't his message one of brotherhood and love?

Then the King told the attendants, "Tie him hand and foot, and throw him outside into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth." Matthew 22:13.

Maybe Christ didn't use the word, "Hell" but the place he describes sure sounds like it.

These words quoted are from teaching Jesus addressed to those who rejected him where he likened them to noble subjects of a king who refused to come to a banquet. The king then invites any who will come. One who did not accept the king's terms was discovered and the king passed the judgment on him to be cast out.

The parable offers an uncommon picture of this place of punishment.
     * They are bound hand and foot: unable to fend off its terrors or escape.
     * They are outside: away from God, his love, his blessing and heaven.
     * They are in darkness.
     * They will weep: possibly sorrow and regret besets them eternally.
     * They will gnash their teeth: an expression of great pain.
     * These statements mean they are conscious, and aware.

When Christ spoke of the place we call hell, here and elsewhere, he always spoke of it in a matter of fact way. He believed in it as a reality, and clearly thought we should be warned.

The Bible teaches that the Lord did not make this place of punishment for man but as a "place prepared for the devil and his angels." Matthew 25:41.  It is presented as the only eternal alternative to Heaven.

Since The Lord is holy He must judge sin and punish wrongdoing; but He is love so he endured all the wrath of that terrible place for us because he "Sent his son to be the savior of the world." 1 John 4:14. His message was a message of love and out of love the Son became The Sacrificial Lamb- he took our place to offer us forgiveness and freedom from punishment.

To learn more about how to get saved click on the tab "The Gospel" above.

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