Monday, September 15, 2014

What does God Want Us to Do to be Saved?

There are so many different ideas about how to be saved from sin and hell. But what does God say?

"Give ear and come to me; listen, that you may live. I will make an everlasting covenant with you, my faithful love promised to David." Isaiah 55:3.

In the Bible, God instructs us to "Give ear... come... and listen." These are words of invitation. He is not saying we are to build, earn, or merit- but to come.

When we come it is to listen, not to present our case or offer our ideas but to receive His words. We come to The Lord on His terms not our own; we may have our ideas but we must leave them behind and listen to God the Almighty.

This can be taken on several levels but here it is clear that God is offering eternal life, and salvation, based not on our efforts but His word. His promise is the energy of salvation, not our deeds.

We think we make our own salvation based on a lot of good that we do and hope it outweighs the bad, or that the absence of bad in our lives is good enough to gain salvation. However, God is saying "I will make..."  It is not what we do but what He does that gets us saved.

In modern words, this is an eternal promise. God is the Almighty and Holy One, so as The All-Powerful He is able to keep His promise of salvation and as The Holy One He will not break His promise.

It is not what we do but what God does that saves us. He sent his son, Jesus, to die to pay for our sins and to fix our broken lives. We only need to be open to Him and come on His terms.

To learn more about the plan of salvation see the tab above for the Gospel.

 (c)Adron Dozat 9/15/14