Tuesday, January 14, 2014

What Can Satisfy The Need Of My Soul? John 6:35.

We feel that something deep inside is missing in our lives and we long for meaning, purpose or fulfillment. Our efforts and searching leave us empty but Jesus had an answer.

After Jesus performed the miracle of feeding five thousand people with a few loaves and fishes the people wanted to make him king but their motivations did not please the Lord. They did not care that the power of God was with him but that they were getting free food. His response to them explains his purpose.

"Then Jesus declared I am the bread of life, whoever comes to me will never become hungry and he who believes in me will never be thirsty." John 6:35.

Ancient bread was not like the commercial product on the shelves of modern grocery stores but a more substantial food; it might be made of multiple grains, nuts, and fruit, it was a basic food that was a staple in the diet that ensured survival.

Jesus said is that he, like this bread, is the essential satisfaction of the ultimate need. He gives life to those who are spiritually dead; and once he gives them the life he continues to provide and be the fulfillment of that life.

Our sins make us spiritually dead but only Jesus can make us spiritually alive.

The hunger and thirst are not for the physical food of this world but it is the hunger of the soul and the thirst of the spirit. It is the hunger for meaning and purpose and the thirst for righteousness. Jesus satisfies all our needs, our longings, and desires.

Jesus invites us to come to him; to believe in who he is and what he did for us. He died to pay for our sins so we can have life.

To learn more about how to have Jesus as your savior see the tab above titled Salvation.

(c) Adron 1/14/14